News Press

They collectively fell in love with the work of artist Tyler Aiello at Space Gallery, they commissioned him to create a pair of custom pendant lights for the dining table.
Colorado Homes & Lifestyles

Westword’s ‘Best of’ Award

…and Westword’s ‘Best of’ award for Best Gallery Group Show goes to ‘The Other Primary Colors – White Black Grey’ which was featured at Space Gallery 09.07.12 – 10.20.12. A special thanks to Marks Aardsma for her vision! If you missed the exhibit you can see images of the work by clicking on the photos link above and finding the folder marked with the show title.

Marks Aardsma’s next curatorial endeavor ‘Lines and Grids’ will open this fall on 08.16.13 and run through 09.28.13 at the Space Gallery. Mark your calendars because this will be another one not to miss.